Considering that the innate proximity of RNA ends might have important unknown
biological implications, we aimed to determine whether the close proximity of the ends
of mRNA molecules is a conserved feature across organisms and gain further insights
into the functional effects of the proximity of RNA ends.
We present two projects in this thesis; the first one comprises the study of the
secondary structure of 274 full native mRNA molecules from 17 different organisms to
calculate the contour length (CL) of the external loop as an index of their end-to-end
separation. Our computational predictions show bigger variations than previously
reported and also than those observed in random sequences. From this project, we
found that our results suggest that separations larger than 18.5 nm are not favored,
whereas short separations could be related to phenotypical stability. Overall, the results
obtained implies the existence of a biological mechanism responsible for the increase
in the observed variability, suggesting that the CL features of the exterior loop could be
relevant for the initiation of translation, and that a short CL could contribute to the
stability of phenotypes. The second one, comprise the single molecule Fluorescence
Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET) system design and calibration to perform the
experimental in vitro measurements of the distance between mRNAs ends from 4
organisms from the Eukarya domain. From the second project, we obtained only
preliminary results, and some experiments are pending to be performed.